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It is a substances or chemicals which when taken into the body have psychological, emotional and behavioral effects on a person.
Drugs which distort reality and facts and affects all senses and makes a user see, hear and feel things that don’t exist in the time being
The most commonly used illicit drugs
Drugs which relieve pain and induce sleepiness
Drugs that speed up a person's central nervous system
Which kind of dance is intended primarily to get to know other people in attendance to a certain social function?
Social dance
What is the general term referring to the Do’s and Don’ts’s in social dancing?
Dance etiquette
What do you call a social dance which includes the dance steps: Weight transfer, R Chasse Fw, Alemana Turn and New York?
In Latin dance a girl must wear___________.
Sexy outfit
Renaissance Art: Humanism Baroque Art: ____________
Art forms characterized naturalistic portraits of human being
He is a deaf composer
He compose magic flute
He composed Eroica
Ludwig van Beethoven
A Composer who bridge the Classical Period
Ludwig Van Beethoven
A drama set to music where singers and musicians perform in a theatrical setting.
Classical Opera
Who composed "The Military"
Franz Joseph Haydn
It is a multi- movement work for solo instrument
What is the other name for the classical period?
Age of reason