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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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4 facts about Penelope Smythe-Wilde
red hair, glasses, likes reading Sherlock Holmes mysteries, received an origami swan, is cyberbullied
3 facts about Jared Ashton
tough kid, dark hair and dark eyes, rich, good looking, received an origami eagle
3 facts about Harry Kumar
has Indian heritage, dark hair and deep green eyes, rich, great student and athlete, received an origami lion
3 facts about Natasha Tanaka
concerned about her looks, received a pink origami peacock, uses abbreviations e.g. asap, aamof, likes parties
4 facts about Jessica Knowing
Canadian, stays with her grandparents in London, wants to help Penelope, interested in computers
Who else came to school? What did that person do?
The headteacher, Mr Hughes. He accused the teenagers of stealing the trophy
What did the teenagers recieve? What was the message?
Origami animals, to meet at school at 9 pm
What object was missing from school? What was in its place?
The trophy for Best Overall School, an origami scorpion