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Road Awareness Quiz!

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Running across the road is safer because you cross the road faster
No! You are much more likely to trip or fall!
The bigger your vehicle, the more freedom you have on the road! (True or False)
Cyclists should cycle on the pavement, it's too dangerous on the road
False, cyclists should be using the road!
True, cyclists can go where the please!
Sloths are the best animal ever
By law, in the UK, do you have to cross the road at a proper crossing place?
No! (But it is a lot safer!)
Who, by law, has the right of way (gets to go first) on a Zebra Crossing?
People walking
Cars (if they drive fast enough)
If there is no pavement, which side of the road should you walk on?
The right hand side! (So that you are facing the traffic coming towards you)
Horses love loud noises! (True or False?)
What colour are a car's reversing lights?
What sort of clothes should you wear if you are walking around at night?
Hi-Vis/Bright clothes
In general, is it safer to cross the road on a bend, or on a straight?
On a straight!
What are these markings for?
To help warn people with vision impairment of hazrads in their path
When should you avoid using the pavement?
NEVER! Always use the pavement as long is it is possible!
Is it ok to cross a road between two parked cars?
No. Why do you think that is?
Finish this safety tip: Stop, Look and _______?
Lay some new carpet in your Grandmother's living room