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Grade 5 Ecosystem Restoration

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why are rainforest ecosystems important?
40% of all oxygen we breathe comes from the rainforest!
What might happened if a new organism is introduced to an ecosystem?
A new organism might thrown off the balance of an ecosystem.
Give one example of how humans can disrupt food webs in an ecosystem.
Possible Answers: pollution, hunting, invasive species, causing habitat loss
TRUE OR FALSE: Plants need nutrients to help make food molecules for energy and body matter.
TRUE OR FALSE: Animals, plants, and decomposers grow by changing food molecules into body molecules that can build their bodies.
What is something taken in by plants and animals that helps them grow?
What do you call the stuff that things are made of?
Give one example of ecosystem restoration.
We watched videos in class of reintroduction of species.
Are rocks and grass examples of matter?
Where does the energy in an ecosystem first come from?
Is sunlight an organism?
No, an organism is a living thing.
What is biodiversity?
Biodiversity describes the variety of species found in a particular ecosystem.
Name three different types of ecosystems.
tropical rainforests, savannas, deserts, grasslands, forests, and Arctic tundra
What is an organism that breaks down droppings or dead organisms?
A Decomposer
What do plants use to make food?
water, air, sun (photosynthesis)
What do you call an organism that makes its own food?
A producer (a plant)
What is at the top of every food chain?
A predator or Apex predator
What do you call the diagram that shows a network of food chains?
A Food Web
What is the name of the diagram that shows how matter moves through an ecosystem from organism to organism??
Food Chain (or Food Web)
What is everything in an ecosystem made of?
Matter and molecules make matter!
What is the name of a scientist who studies ecosystems?
What is an ecosystem?
a community of organisms together with its environment