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empower b1+ unit 1a

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Our teacher ____ us to read English and Amerian newspaper online. a. complained b. encouraged c. persuaded
The babysitter ____the children to go to bed at 9 o'clock a. argued b. complained c. persuaded
My husband and I always ___about where to go on holiday. I prefer the beach while he prefers the moutains, a. argue b. complain c. insist
My father ___me to apply for the job although I had very litthe experience in that area a. argued b. encouraged c. expressed
He __her to lend him the $5000 he needed to buy a new TV a. argued b. expressed c. persuade
We were____at the airport by the Minister of Tourism a. argued b. encouraged c. greeted
I said I would take a taxi to the airport but they___on driving me in their car a. complained b. insisted c. kept
I ____to the waiter that the food wasn't hot enough a. complained b. argued c. persuaded
did/ you and/ about/ friends/ your/ talk/ what?
What did you and your friends talk about?
Harrison Ford/ of/ happens/ the end/ at/ the film/ what/ to?
What happens to Harrison Ford at the end of the film ?
parents/ to/ your/ which/ did/ restaurant/ go?
Which restaurant did your parents go to?
you/ who/ that/ gave/ book/ your birthday/ for?
Who gave you that book for your birthday?
Who did you ___for at the last election? .a. voted b. did you vote
Which students ___the highest marks in the test? a. did she get b. got
Which book___about in your English class? a. did you talk b. talked
Which football match ___on TV last night? a. did they watch b. watched
What ____after the police arrived? a.did it happen b. happened
Which tooth___when I touch it? a. does it hurt b. hurts
Who ___the play Romeo and Juliet? a. did he write b. wrote