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Where do we live?

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How do we called a settlement pattern which develop along an established route: this include roads, railways and waterways?
Linear settlement
How do we called a settlement pattern which involve a number of building that are not that close to each other but are within the same locality?
Dispersed settlement
How do we call a settlement pattern which have a centre point and develop from the middle outwards?
Nucleated Settlement
How many settlement patterns are there and what are they?
Three settlement patterns. They are nucleated, dispersed and linear.
A place which is the largest examples of human settlement, where there are more than 10 millions of people living is called ______________ .
A place which have efficient transport system to move people around and where there is often a centre of culture with art galleries, museum and other landmarks drawing people to visit them is called _____________ .
A place where there are thousands of residents, a place which have high street, range of shops, police station, hospital is called ___________ .
A place where there is quite a few houses and often have facilities such as shops or religious buildings is called ______________ .
The place where is only small number of houses and no facility such as shop is called ____________ .
A single house or a series of building that exist in isolation are called ______________ . 
Isolated dwelling
How do settlements define?
Settlement are simply define as places where people set up homes to live.