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How much do you know?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's ______ state in the US - Hawaii, Rode Island, Kentucky, Ohio,or Montana? (small)
the smallest
What's _____ movie ever made? (expensive)
the most expensive
What's ____ word in the English language? (common)
the most common
Which animals usually live ______ - giraffes or elephants? (long)
What's _____ city in Europe? (populated)
the most populated
What's _____ mountain in Africa? (high)
the highest
Which planet is _____ away from Earth - Saturn or Mercury? (far)
farther/ further
Where do you find ______ snake in the world - India, Yemen, Brazil, Australia, or Vietnam? (dangerous)
the most dangerous
Which is _______ the Atlantic Ocean or the Indian Ocean? (deep)
Which animals are ______ - rhinos or hippos? (aggressive)
more aggressive
In which country do you find ______ pyramid in the world? (big)
the biggest
How old is ______ tree on Earth - around 800 years old; 1500 years old; 3000 years old: or almost 10 000 years old? (old)
the oldest
Which two countries are home to more than half of ______ cities in the world? (polluted)
the most polluted
Which animals are ______ zebras or ostriches? (faster)
Which animals are ________- ants or pigs? (intelligent)
more intelligent