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UNIT 2 Level 1

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the plural form of FOOT
What part of the body is this?
the HAND
Complete and answer: _______ your dog _______ a long tail?
DOES your dog HAVE a long tail? Yes, it does // No, it doesn't.
What is the plural form of PERSON?
What is the plural form of LEAF?
Complete: _______ Joaquín _______ a blue backpack?
DOES Joaquín HAVE a blue backpack?
___ you ___ wings?
DO yoy HAVE wings?
Complete and answer: _______ parrots ________ four legs?
DO parrots HAVE four legs?
What does he look like?
He is old, she doesn't have hair, he has glasses, he has beard, he has moustache.
What does the girl look like?
She has blonde hair, she has short hair, she has big eyes, she has blue eyes, she is young.
Complete: I ________ a big collection of CDs.
I have a big collection of CDs.
What's the plural form of child?
Complete: my mom _______ four kids.
My mom has four kids.
Complete with negative form: Sofia _______ ________ a car.
Sofia doesn't have a car.
What's the plural form of WOMAN?
What's the plural of KNIFE?
Complete the negative: Diana and James _______ ________ pets.
Diana and James don't have pets.
What part of the body is this?
Fer's fish is blue
Fer has a blue fish.
Karen's cat is black.
Karen has a black cat.