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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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People like to walk down the _________ while looking at the restaurants.
passage (gang)
How is he feeling? E _ C_T_D
Excited (bergairah)
_____________ it is raining, I will still go cycling.
Although (walaupun)
The couple lwanted to ___________ over the price of the house they love.
negotiate (bernegosiasi)
I failed to ________ her because she is very not easily influenced (dipengaruhi)
persuade (membujuk)
The police can only arrest (menahan) the criminals when they have found the ____________
evidence (bukti)
The ________ of this perfume is so fresh and sweet. I'd like to buy one.
scent (harum)
There are ________ apples for the people to eat.
abundant (banyak sekali)
_____________ you may clean the kitchen first. When you are not sure, you say....
Perhaps (mungkin)
A person who writes books is called an ________
author (penulis)
When we play hide and seek, we always hide behind the __________
bushes (semak-semak)
This building is so _________ It's been there for more than 100 years.
ancient (kuno)
Climbing to the top of the mountain is a great ____________
accomplishment (pencaipaian)
Be careful! They can be quite ___________ and like to fight
aggressive (agresif)
The ________ in this room is very strong.
odour (British) /odor (America) (bau)
What are they doing? They are playing chinese _________
Whispers (bisikan)
Most owls are _________ because they are usually active at night.
nocturnals (aktif di malam hari)
Someone who is _________ will always come on time.
punctual ( orang yang datang tepat waktu)
When the items are cheap, they are A _ _ O _ _AB_ _
AFFORDABLE (terjangkau)
When you mix water and flour, you will create ________ that is used as the base of a pizza.
dough (adonan)