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Abeka history chapters 24-28

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What document said that all slaves should be free?
Emancipation Proclamation
What is Moody's training school called?
Moody Bible Institute
What 3 countries did Moody travel to preach God's Word?
England, Scotland, Ireland
What President-elect visited Moody's Sunday school?
What kind of store did Dwight Moody work in with his uncle?
shoe store
Who was Clara's brother?
Who was the general for the North?
Who encouraged his men to help rebuild America?
Robert E. Lee
What is the system of homes or stores that helped people escape slavery?
Underground Railroad
After the Civil War, how did Harriet Tubman help former slaves?
opened up her home, spent her money to help, helped former slaves to find jobs
What was something that Clara Barton's family taught her?
to ride a horse, to cook, to care for the hurt, about wars
What town did Dwight Moody start a Sunday school in?
Who traveled to England to preach?
Dwight L. Moody
Who was "Angel of the Battlefield?"
Clara Barton
Where did Lee surrender?
Appomatox Court House, Virginia
What school did Lee and Grant both attend?
West Point Academy
What kind of home did Abe Lincoln live?
log cabin
What was the famous speech that Lincoln gave?
Gettysburg Address
Who worked as a spy during the Civil War?
Harriet Tubman
What was Grant's nickname?
Unconditional Surrender
Who killed Abe Lincoln?
John Wilkes Booth
What did Clara Barton begin in the US?
American Red Cross
Who was the president of the Confederate States?
Jefferson Davis
Who was president BEFORE Ulysses S. Grant?
Abraham Lincoln
Who was the general of the Union army?
Ulysses S. Grant
What city was the Great Fire in?
Who cared for her brother when he was injured?
Clara Barton
Who was the general of the Confederate army?
Robert E. Lee