Edit Game
2nd grade: Unit 5 grammar

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He__________ (not clean) his bedroom.
He doesn't clean his bedroom.
She_________(not eat) in the swimming pool.
She doesn't eat in the swimming pool.
He__________ (not run) for the running club.
He doesn't run for the running club.
She____________ (not play) hockey.
She doesn't play hockey.
He_________ in the playground (to jump)
He jumps in the playground.
She ____________ to the sports centre (to walk)
She walks to the sports centre.
He__________ in the restaurant (to eat).
He eats in the restaurant.
She_____________ in the countryside (to play).
She plays in the countryside.
He ________ go to the cinema (not go)
He doesn't go to the cinema
She________ go to the lake (not go)
She doesn't go to the lake
________she walk in the countryside?
Does she walk in the countryside?
Michael _______ up the mountain (to run).
Michael runs up the mountain.
He _______ in the forest (to walk)
He walks in the forest
_________Tom go to the sports centre?
Does Tom go to the sports centre?
__________ she swim in the lake?
Does she swim in the lake?
_______ he eat in the restaurant?
Does he eat in the restaurant?
Anna_________ go swimming in the swimming pool (not go)
Anna doesn't go swimming in the swimming pool
He_______ to the café (to go)
He goes to the café
Does she read books?
Yes she does or No she doesn't
Does he go swimming?
Yes he does or No he doesn't
She doesn't_______ hockey.
She doesn't play hockey.
He doesn't _______ rugby (to play).
He doesn't play rugby.
She ______ to the beach (to go).
She goes to the beach.
He_________ football (to play)
He plays football