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Frog and Toad are Friends

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What animal did Frog ask to mail Toad's letter?
What did Toad give Frog in exchange for causing trouble on their walk?
He sewed all of the mismatched buttons on his jacket and gave it to Frog.
Where was Toad's missing button?
It fell off in his home.
What did Frog's letter to Toad say?
He was glad that Toad was his best friend
What did Frog do to help Toad wake up in time for spring?
He changed the calendar month to May instead of April
Why was Toad feeling sad as they sat on the porch together?
He wanted to receive a letter in the mail, but he never did
Where were Frog and Toad sitting on Toad's "sad day"?
On his porch
What animals asked to see Toad's bathing suit?
Dragon flies, raccoons, snakes, and lizards
Why was Toad making up a story for Frog?
He was sick!
Why was Toad embarrassed in the story "A Swim"?
His bathing suit
What color was Toad's missing button?