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Multiple Meaning Words and Idioms

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He was sentenced to 15 years in prison for robbing the bank. What does sentence mean in this sentence?
to declare punishment
a group of words
a job
I have $500 in my account that is saved for a rainy day. If I lose my job or have any unexpected expenses, I will use it. What does saved for a rainy day mean?
to put something aside for the future when it may be needed
use it as an umbrella
put it under the mattress
My favorite season is spring because I love to watch all of the flowers bloom. What does season mean in this sentence?
a certain time of the year.
salt and pepper
a time to play sports
I like to season my chicken with salt, pepper, and garlic powder. What does season mean in this sentence?
To add flavor to.
A certain time of year.
Joe is a riot. His sense of humor is great! What does riot mean in this sentence?
To be funny
To protest
To stop working
The sign for the yard sale stated "YARD SALE ON MAIN STREET, COME RAIN OR SHINE." What does come rain or shine mean?
The event will happen whether it is sunny or raining.
They are hoping for rain.
They have shiny items to sell
I wrote the date and time for my drivers license test in my calendar so I would not forget it. What does date mean in this sentence?
the day of the month or year as specified by a number.
a planned outing between two people
a type of dried fruit
I have a date tonight with a guy from my English class. We are going to see a movie and get dinner at Olive Garden. What does date mean in this sentence?
To do an activity with someone you like
the number of the month
a dried fruit
Martha decided to throw caution to the wind and drive over the speed limit. She was pulled over by a cop later that night for speeding. What does "throw caution to the wind" mean?
To stop caring, to do something daring and not care about th
flying a kite
paying close attention to
I am certain that my sister snuck out of the house last night. I went into her bedroom and found her window was open and she was not there. What does certain mean in this sentence?
To be sure of. Definitely
one type of an object
a specific one
I am not a picky eater, but there are certain foods I do not like. What does certain mean in this sentence?
Particular, specific
Sure of; I know it happened
I shut the window because my papers started flying around the room due to the draft. What does draft mean in this sentence?
wind, air
report for military duty
being picked for a professional sports team
I like to keep up with current events, so I read the news paper every morning. What does current mean in this sentence?
water flowing
We weren't allowed to swim in the ocean today because the lifeguards said the current was too strong due to a storm that is coming. What does current mean in this sentence?
The direction and force water is moving.
Business is normally good in the summer, but during Covid-19, businesses at the beach experienced a dry spell. What does "dry spell" mean in this sentence?
a period in which someone is having less success than usual
a drought
very busy and prosperous
Dad said "Sorry to rain on your parade, but I don't think prom will be happening this year". What does rain on your parade mean?
spoil plans especially for having fun
rain on Thanksgiving day