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5th gradeSS noted chap 1--sarah

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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waht are some institutions in American life
family, school, religious centers, clubs and volunteer groups
what are the values that unite Americans:
freedom, equality, opportunity, justice and democracy
Americans are _________.
waht are the 4 reasons immigrants came to America?
find religious freedom, avoid war, corrupt government, find work and own land
America is made up of __________.
a person considered to be in CONTROL OF OTHER PEOPLE.
authority figure
a person who rules the kingdom or empire with complete power or authority.
the rights that all people have because they are BORN. These rights should NOT be taken away by the government.
NATURAL rights
the decisions and actions the government takes to solve problems in a community.
public policy
the basic equioment and structure needed for a place to function properly.
an OBLIGATION that we meet of our own free will.
this is a PRIVILIGE or claim to something
thsi is an ACTION that we are required to perform.
the LEGAL PROCESS to obtain citizenship
the ruling authority for a community
the rights and duties of citizens
the STUDY of duties and right s of citizens
the members of a community who owe loyalty to a government and are entitled to the protection of that government
the idea that the government recieves its power from the people
popular sovereignty
a key practice, relationship, or organization in a society
a group of people who share a common nation, culture, or racial background.
ethnic group
foregin from people who once livied in another country