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Animals- 4th Grade

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What group of invertebrates have an exoskeleton and legs.
What invertebrate group has soft bodies, and most of them have one or two shells to protect their bodies.
What invertebrate group has long, soft bodies and no legs. Some live on land and some live in the water.
What invertebrate group lives in the sea and has jelly-like bodies that sometimes look like an umbrella.
Which invertebrate group lives on rocks in the sea and cannot move.
Name the 6 groups of invertebrates.
Worms, molluscs, sponges, cnidarians, arthropods, echinoderms
Name a characteristic of fish.
Have gills, have fins, lay eggs...
Name a characteristic of amphibians.
Lay eggs in water, begin their lives in water and then change to live on land, have moist skin
Name a characteristic of reptiles.
Lay eggs, have scales or plates covering their skin, are cold- blooded
Name a characteristic of birds.
Have bodies covered with feathers, have wings, lay eggs...
Name a characteristic of mammals.
Have hair covering their bodies, give birth to live young..
Name one fish.
Shark, salmon, cod, bass...
Name one amphibian.
Frog, salamander, newt, toad...
Name one reptile.
Alligator, snake, crocodile, tortoise..
Name one bird.
Flamingo, penguin, ostrich, parrot...
Name one mammal.
Lion, tiger, human, monkey, dolphin...
A ______ is an animal that breaks down other living things.
_____ eat the remains of dead animals.
What are animals that eat both meat and plants called?
Animals that eat only meat (other animals) are called _____________.
An animal that eats only plans is called a ___________.
What is it called when eggs develop and hatch inside of the mothers body?
What is it called when a mother lays eggs and the baby hatches from the eggs?
What is it called when babies develop in their mothers womb and are born alive?
What are animals without backbones called?
There are five groups of vertebrates, what are they?
Fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals, and birds
Animals with backbones are called ________.
Animals are classified into two groups, what are they?
Vertebrates and Invertebrates
True or False? Most animals can move about freely.
Animals can/ cannot make their own food.
cannot- They eat other living things.