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NAT4 U2 Locomotor system

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How can you look after your locomotor system?
do exercise, sleep enough hours, do stretches, keep your back straight, go to the doctor, adopt a good position when you sit down
How can you look after your skin?
have a bath or shower every day, avoid sun exposure and use sunscreen
How can you look after your tongue?
develop good oral hygiene and don’t eat or drink things that are very hot or cold
How can you look after your nose?
don't insert objects inside it, keep it clean, go to the doctor if it hurts
How can you look after your ears?
don’t use cotton buds to clean them, don’t listen to loud music, go to an ear doctor if you have an earache
How can you look after your eyes?
use protective glasses, visit an eye doctor, read in good light
How can you prevent a lot of diseases?
If you look after and protect your senses organs
Some muscles are joined to bones by ________ .
What are muscles?
organs that can contract and produce movement
What bone is this?
the skull
What bones are these?
the ribs
What are three types of bones?
long bones, short bones, flat bones
What joins together the bones?
What is the skeleton made up of?
What is the locomotor system made up of?
the skeleton and muscles