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5th SOC Unit 3 Population

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What parts of Spain are sparsely populated?
the Northern and Southern plateaus
What parts of Spain are densely populated?
coastal areas, Madrid, and the archipelagos
How do we calculate population density?
we divide the number of inhabitants by the km²
What is real increase?
natural increase plus immigrants and minus emigrants
What is the difference between birth and death rate?
natural increase
What are four variables for measuring population?
birth rate, death rate, emigration, immigration
Is Elisabeth an emigrant or an immigrant in Spain?
an immigrant from the United States
Who are immigrants?
people who come to a country from another one
Who are emigrants?
people who leave a country to live in another one
What is the number of people who die in a year?
death rate
What is the birth rate?
the number of babies born in a year
What data does the civil register show?
births, deaths and marriages
When does the census happen?
every ten years
When does the civil register happen?
continually updated
When does the municipal register happen?
every year
What does the census show?
the people who live in a country
What does the civil register show?
information about the people registered in a place
What does the municipal register show?
the number of people in a municipality
What are the three important sources we use to study population?
municipal register, civil register, and the census
What is demography?
the study of population and its changes
What is population?
the amount of people who live in a place