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Routine Activities - Part 2

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How often do you ___ __ _____?
Get up early + student's answer
How often do you _______?
(Go to) sleep + student's answer
I __ __  _____ ____________.
I go to school _____ times a week.
I ________________ ______ a ______.
I play on the tablet ____ a day / ____ times a week.
How often do you _____ ___ ___?
Catch the bus + student's answer
I ____ _____ _______ ______________.
I look after my pet / feed my pet _____ times a day.
I _____ a _______ _______ a _______.
I have a shower ____ a day / _____ times a week.
How often do you have _ ______?
A siesta + student's answer
I _____ __  __________ day/week.
I watch TV ____ times a day/week.
I __________ _______ a ______.
I help (out) at home ____ times a day/week.
I _______ with _________ ________ a _____.
I go / hang out with my friends ____ times a week.
How often do you ______________?
Have a sandwich/make a snack + student's answer.
I ___ __________ ________________ a week.
I go to football training / play football ____ times a week.
I _____ my _____  _______ a ______.
I tidy my room ____  a day / week.
How often do you ____ your __________? (times a week)
Do your homework + student's answer.
I ___ _________ _________.
I get dressed everyday.
I _____ my ______ ___ ______ a ______.
I brush my teeth 2/3 times a day.
How often do you have _______?
Breakfast  + student's answer
I have _____ ____ times __ _______.
I have PE ____ times a week.
I have ________ at home _ _______ a week / __________ .
I have have lunch at home 7 times a week / everyday.
How often do you go to the __________?
Dentist + student's answer