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Unit 8 Lesson 4 - Life on Mars

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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HOw long does it take to send an email to Earth?
20 minutes
How will we communicate from Mars
What does food taste like on Mars?
same because all food tastes the same in low gravity
Where will food on Mars come from?
canned and dried food
What is the problem with water on Mars?
limited, short showers and not wash clothes
Give 2 examples of psychological difficulties on Mars
What is a spacesuit?
What astronauts wear in space
What is the problem with living in a closed ecosystem?
no fresh air, lots of bacteria and pollution
How to prevent damage to muscles and bones in Mars?
Exercise with heavy weights
What does low gravity do to the body?
Weakens muscles
Why is ice used in the domes?
Because it partly blocks radiation
What's a solution against radiation?
Ice-covered domes
What is deep space?
beyond the atmosphere of the earth
Give an example of radiation
What is radiation?
energy emitted from a source
How much more radiation do astronauts get?
10 times more
What's the first problem with living on Mars?
Environmental issues like radiation