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Name two accomplishments of Louis XIV
Reform Taxes, Leading Naval Power, Increase industry & Trade
why was Cardinal Richelieu chosen?
To reduce the strength of Nobles and reform the economy
Where did King Louis XIV live?
chateau Versailles
What kept Russia from being able to Trade
Russia was Landlocked
What age did Peter the Great become Czar
10 years old
What alliance did Peter the Great Fail to form?
Ottoman Turks
By going to war with Poland, what sea did Czar Peter gain?
The Baltic Sea
Name two things that happened under Catherine the Great Reign
Education Improved, Religious Freedom, Nobles Thrived, loss of culture, learned French
What Policies helped Russia gain new territory
Foreign Policies
The freedom to worship under King Henry
Edict of Nantes
Belief that God chooses kings to rule
Divine Right
What war was fought from 1688-1697
League of Augsburg
what was King Louis XIV's last war
War of the Spanish session
war that lasted from 1618-1648
30 Years war
Equal strength in order to prevent any one country from dominating the others
Balance of Power
what are Regional administrators & reps of the crown in the provinces of France?
TRUE or FALSE; Nobles were killed for not shaving
what year did Czar Peter take sole power?