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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When you want to make someting new, you _____________
invent (menciptakan)
When something is gone (tidak ada), it ______________
disappears (menghilang)
Sasha is not here. She is P_ _ BA_ _Y at school. When you are not sure. You say....
probably (kemungkinan)
When we hit, we need to ....... it correctly.
aim (mengarahkan)
Bees _______ when disturbed (diganggu)
sting (menyengat)
When the police wants to arrest the criminal. They need to find the _________ to prove they are wrong
evidence (bukti)
What is this?
It is a snow globe (bola salju)
What are they doing? They are having a p_ _ a_e
Parade (parade)
When we say " You look great today. Your hair is looking nice!", we are talking about your .............
appearance (penampilan)
They _______ on time.
arrive (tiba)
When people protest, they go on S_RI_ _
STRIKE (mogok kerja)
The weather in Indonesia is very .......
Humid (lembab)
Where do you find these items (barang)?
GROCERY (bahan makanan) Store
Vitamin C is E_ _ EN_IA_ for our body.
ESSENTIAL (penting)
A : Hi..My name is Elizabeth. B: My first name is also Elizabeth. They have .................. name
common (sama)
What is he doing?
He is CHOMPING food (mengunyah dengan bersuara)
Christmas is celebrated (dirayakan) tiap tahun. "Every year" is the English word for "tiap tahun". What is another word for it?
Annual (tiap tahun)
The tomato is.......
poisonous (beracun)
A person who writes books is called a ..........
Author (penulis)
Whatdo you use to make the plants fertile (subur)?
Fertilizer (pupuk)