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My Circle of Support

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the Kids Help Phone?
Free service available 24 hours a day to youth who need support. Call 1-800-668-6868 or text CONNECT to 686868.
Coping strategies are things that you can do to help yourself feel better when you're feeling down. What are some positive coping strategies that can help to support your mental health?
Deep breathing, going for a walk, listening to music, talking to a friend
If you have a problem, the first person that you talk to will ALWAYS be able to help you. True or False?
False. The first person may not always be the right person. Don't give up. Keep trying until you find someone that will give you the support that you need
Where can you turn to for support in your community?
Kids Help Phone (686868), Wellness Hub (613-577-7219)
Who are some supportive people in your life outside of school that you can ask for help?
Parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, doctor
Who are some people at school that you can go to if you need help?
Teachers, Principal, Vice-Principal, Chaplaincy Leader, Student Support Worker, Educational Assistants, Secretaries
Sometimes it's hard to know what to say when you need help. What are some ways that you can start the conversation?
"I have a tough situation that's really bugging me. Can I talk about it?", "Hey! I have a problem that I'm wondering if we can talk about."
It's normal to go through difficult periods in our lives. How do we know when we could use someone's help to get through?
Is how I'm feeling affecting my everyday life in a negative way? Not as social? Loss of enjoyment? Hard to focus? Feeling drained or exhausted? Unmotivated?
No problem is too big or too small to seek help for. True or False?
True! If you need to talk, it's okay to reach out.
"My Circle of Support" is the people, places and things that support me when I need it. True or False?.
True! Safe and supportive people care about me and want to support my mental health and well-being.