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Age of absolutism

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How many years did the Sun King rule
72 years
TRUE or FALSE: Most of the war took place in Russia
False, Took place in Germany
TRUE or FALSE: The Treaty of Westphalia ended the 30 years war
TRUE or False: France had 40,000 soldiers
after the Treaty of Utrecht, France lost lands in North America to who?
Great Britain
Age of Kings last how long?
What is another name for a Chief Minister?
What king was a Huguenot, but converted to Catholicism?
Name the two treaties signed during the 30 years war
Westphalia & Utrecht
Name the lands that Catherine the Great conquered
Poland, Siberia, Alaaska
Who was the absolute ruler of France?
Louis XIV
Peter the Great moved the capital of Russia to where?
St. Petersburg
Who was the absolute ruler of Russia?
Peter The Great
Finish this phrase: "I'm in love with the Euro....."
"To the west ima go go"
An example of westernization would be when Peter the Great forced..
The nobility to shave their beards and change clothing styles
Peter the Great ruled over…?
Who was called “The Sun King”?
Louis XIV
Why did Louis XIV build the palace of Versailles?
he wanted to show off his power and control nobility
Who is the longest ruling monarch in Europen history?