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rock climbing
a building where you pay to have a room to sleep in, and where you can eat meals
a holiday, especially when you are traveling away from home for pleasure
go on vacation
the sport or activity of riding a horse
horseback riding
the sport or job of catching fish
go fishing
to move forward on your hands and knees, with your body close to the ground
the activity of visiting interesting buildings and places as a tourist
a place where people on vacation can put up their tents
the sport of swimming underwater with special breathing equipment
scuba diving
a large open container for putting old bricks, rubbish/garbage, etc. in
to move through water by moving the body or parts of the body
go swimming
the sport of climbing on rocks or in mountains
rock climbing
A water sport involving racing, or doing tricks in a kayak
Where do you usually go on safari?
I usually go on safari in the jungle in Africa.
Where do you usually sunbathe?
I usually sunbathe on the beach/ at a beach resort/ by the pool.
Where do you usually go horseback riding?
I usually go horseback riding on the farm/ on the field/ in the forest.
Where do you usually go camping?
I usually go camping by the lake/ in the mountains/ in the forest.
Where do you usually go fishing?
I usually go fishing in the ocean.
Where does your sister usually go sailing?
She usually goes sailing in the ocean/ along the coast.
Where do you usually go canoing?
I usually go canoeing in the river.
Where does your dad usually go hiking?
He usually goes hiking in the mountains.