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First Grade Our State Chapter 4: Virginia in the ...

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What is the name of Thomas Jefferson's home?
What is the name of George Washington's home?
Mount Vernon
The British soldiers wore a specific color coat and the colonist nicknamed them:
The Red Coats
The war between the colonist and Great Britain was called:
The Revolutionary War
George Washington is found on which coin?
Thomas Jefferson is found on which coin?
How did George Washington contribute to history?
George Washington led the fight for freedom from England
Thomas Jefferson was a leader who led the Powhatan Indians or helped develop a new country
helped develop a new country
George Washington led the fight for freedom from which country?
Who is called "The Father of Our Country?"
George Washington
This leader was born in Virginia
Thomas Jefferson and George Washington
This leader wrote the Declaration of Independence.
Thomas Jefferson
This leader was the leader of the army.
George Washington
This leader was the third president.
Thomas Jefferson
This Leader was the First President.
George Washington