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Unit 1 + 2 review
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Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Describe this room from the past with 3 sentences!
There were..../ There was.../ There weren't..../ There wasn't...
Describe this room from the past with 3 sentences!
There were..../ There was.../ There weren't..../ There wasn't...
Make a question for this answer: No, he isn't going to the party tonight?
Is he going to the party tonight?
Make a question for this answer: Yes, I was adventurous last week!
Were you adventurous last week?
Make this sentence negative: We were at home last night.
We weren't at home last night.
Make this sentence negative: They are talkative students.
They are not talkative students.
Make this sentence negative: I am sitting on the sofa.
I am not sitting on the sofa.
Change the sentence to simple past: Julia and Simon are best friends this year.
Julia and Simon were best friends last year.
Change the sentence to simple past: We are tired after the exercise!
We were tired after the exercise!
Change the sentence to simple past: It is hot!
It was hot!
Choose the correct word: She loves [runs] / [running] after school.
She loves running after school.
Choose the correct word: I don't like [eating] / [eat] pasta.
I don't like eating pasta.
List 3 time phrases you can use with the present continuous.
Now, at the moment, this week, currently, right now.
List 3 time phrases you can use with present simple.
Always, Usually, Often, Sometimes, Hardly ever, Never.
Present Progressive Sentence: You / not / sleep / in class.
You are not sleeping in class.
Present Progressive Sentence: They / play / outside now.
They are playing outside now.
Present simple sentence: My friends and I / watch / movies on Fridays + always.
My friends and I always watch movies on Fridays.
Present simple sentence: John / walk / the dog + sometimes
John sometimes walks the dog.