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LA Gr8, Spelling 2: Homophones

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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adjective: :聽awake and able to understand what is happening around you // :聽aware of something (such as a fact or feeling)聽:聽knowing that something exists or is happening // :聽known or felt by yourself
conscious // con路鈥媠cious聽|聽\聽藞k盲n(t)-sh蓹s聽聽
noun: :聽the part of the mind that makes you aware of your actions as being either morally right or wrong // :聽a feeling that something you have done is morally wrong
conscience // con路鈥媠cience聽|聽\聽藞k盲n(t)-sh蓹n(t)s聽聽
noun: :聽the distance from one side to the other side of something // :聽the quality of including many things聽:聽the wide scope or range of something
breadth // \聽藞bretth聽聽
noun:聽 a short story about something interesting or funny in a person's life
anecdote // an路鈥媏c路鈥媎ote聽|聽\聽藞a-nik-藢d艒t聽聽
adjective : covered by a bar or a set of bars : having bands or stripes of different color
barred \ 藞b盲rd \
adjective : very unpleasant to taste or smell : morally bad : very evil : very bad or unpleasant noun sports : an action that is against the rules and for which a player is given a penalty verb...
foul \ 藞fau虈(-蓹)l \
noun : a hole or tunnel in the ground that an animal (such as a rabbit or fox) makes to live in or for safety verb : to make a hole or tunnel in the ground by digging : to move or press under, through, or into something
burrow bur路鈥媟ow | \ 藞b蓹r-(藢)艒 ; 藞b蓹-(藢)r艒 \
noun : the building in which the people who make the laws of a U.S. state meet : the building in which the U.S. Congress meets in Washington, D.C.
capitol cap路鈥媔路鈥媡ol | \ 藞ka-p蓹-t岬妉 , 藞kap-t岬妉 \
noun 1: a mattress of straw 2: a hard temporary bed
pallet pal路鈥媗et | \ 藞pa-l蓹t \
noun chiefly US : a small donkey
burro bur路鈥媟o | \ 藞b蓹r-(藢)艒 , 藞bu虈r- ; 藞b蓹-(藢)r艒 \
noun : materials (such as paper, pens, and ink) that are used for writing or typing : paper that is used for writing letters and that usually has matching envelopes
stationery sta路鈥媡io路鈥媙ery | \ 藞st膩-sh蓹-藢ner-膿 \
: a thin board that has a hole for the thumb at one end and that is used by a painter to mix colors while painting : the range of colors used by someone
palette pal路鈥媏tte | \ 藞pa-l蓹t \
noun 1: a general or basic truth on which other truths or theories can be based 2: a rule of conduct based on beliefs of what is right and wrong 3: a law or fact of nature which makes possible the working of a machine or device
principle prin路鈥媍i路鈥媝le | \ 藞prin(t)-s(蓹-)p蓹l , -s蓹-b蓹l \
adjective : not moving : staying in one place or position : IMMOBILE : not changing: STABLE
stationary sta路鈥媡ion路鈥媋ry | \ 藞st膩-sh蓹-藢ner-膿 \
noun 1: a person in ancient societies skilled at composing and singing songs about heroes 2: POET
bard \ 藞b盲rd \
noun : a person who pays to live and have daily meals at another person's house or at a school : a person who uses a snowboard
boarder board路鈥媏r | \ 藞b券r-d蓹r
adjective: most important noun US : the person in charge of a public school British : the person in charge of a university or college : an amount of money that is put in a bank or lent to someone and that can earn interest
principal prin路鈥媍i路鈥媝al | \ 藞prin(t)-s(蓹-)p蓹l
noun : a bird (such as a chicken) that is raised for food : the meat of such a bird used as food old-fashioned + humorous : a bird of any kind
fowl 藞fau虈(-蓹)l
noun 1. the most important city or town of a country or region 2. wealth in the form of money or other assets 3. a letter of the size and form used to begin sentences and names
capital cap路鈥媔路鈥媡al | \ 藞ka-p蓹-t岬妉
noun 1. a line separating two political or geographical areas, especially countries. 2. the edge or boundary of something, or the part near it. verb form an edge along or beside (something).
border bor路鈥媎er | \ 藞b券r-d蓹r