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Grammar unit 3

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Przetłumacz fragment z nawiasu. She (nie musi) .................. wear a jacket, It's warm outside.
doesn't have to
Przetłumacz fragment z nawiasu. (Nie wolno nam).................. enter the school building after school hours.
We mustn't
Przetłumacz fragment z nawiasu. She is ill. She .............. (powinna zostać w łóżku) today.
should stay in bed
Dokończ zdanie: "To stay fit and healthy we should...."
Co oznacza "can"? Jak wygląda ten czasownik w czasie przeszłym?
móc, potrafić/ could
Co oznacza "don't have to"?
nie musieć
Co oznacza "mustn't"?
nie wolno
Co oznacza "must"?
Co oznacza "shouldn't"?
nie powinien/nie powinna
Co oznacza "should"?
Co oznacza i czym różni się "must" od "have to"?
The weather forecast says ................. (it's raining/it is going to rain) later.
it is going to rain
Przetłumacz fragment z nawiasu.(Czy ona zamierza) ................... visit her grandma soon?
Is she going to visit....
 I promise that (przestanę) ...................... eating sweets.
I will stop
Przetłumacz fragment z nawiasu. I'm so tired. (Skończę) ............... this task later.
I will finish
Przetłumacz. (Czy zamierzacie) ................ book a table for Sunday lunch?
Are you going to ....
I ....................... ('m having/ will have) tennis lesson on Saturday.
'm having
Uzupełnij zdanie wyrazami z nawiasów w odpowiedniej formie. I'm bored. I think ................ (I/call) Sam.
will call
I ........................ ('m meeting/ will meet) my friends on Saturday and we're going to the tennis club.
'm meeting
I think it .............. (will rain / is raining/) later.
will rain