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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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This cat is really .....
What are they doing?
They're pushing a jeep.
It's important for shop assistants to be ..... and helpful.
You must ....... before borrowing other people's things.
ask permission
Don't jump the queue! Wait for ...
your turn
It's a bad manner to .... other people when they're speaking.
Are you always on time or are you sometimes late?
I'm ....
Can you ______ the music _______. It's too loud.
turn ... down
I don't like this music, it __________
gives me a headache
I .... my granny every summer.
It's polite to ..... with people when you meet them for the first time.
shake hands
When I was younger, I always ... my mum goodnight.
How often do you .... guests?
What are they doing?
They are hugging.
What is she doing?
She's calling someone.
 I want to ... a family one day.
 I don't want to live on my ....
My friend wants to .... abroad.
move / live
I decided to learn ... languages because they are very useful when you travel.
 I want to ... an interesting job.
 When he was at school, he wanted to ... a writer.
We've got visitors next week. - Really? ... coming? - My cousin.
Who is coming?
... you visting us again? - I'm not sure. We've got visitors next week.
When are you visiting us again?
I was visiting my friend Erica. She took me to some cool places - ... she take you?
Where did she take you?
I came back from London yesterday. - ... you doing there?
What were you doing there?
... you write your blog? - Every day if I can.
How often do you write your blog?
We're on holiday! .. you working? - Because I want to post a new blog entry.
Why are you working?
Hi Zoe. ... you? - Fine, but I'm busy. I'm doing some work.
How are you?
Where ... (you / live) in the future?
will you live
I hope I ... (be) happy in the future.
will be
Do you think they ... (win) the match?
they will win
 Max ... (not be) a famous actor.
won't be
 ... (you / go) to university when you're older?
Will you go
It seems to me that Dad ... (not get) to work on time.
won't get
 I ... (have) my own business one day.
will have