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Phrasal verbs English File

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What phrasal verb do you see?
work in an office
What phrasal verb do you see?
wear glasses
What phrasal verb do you see?
watch TV
What phrasal verb do you see?
want a coffee
What phrasal verb do you see?
take an umbrella
What phrasal verb do you see?
study history
What phrasal verb do you see?
speak German
What phrasal verb do you see?
say sorry
What phrasal verb do you see?
read a book
What phrasal verb do you see?
play tennis
What phrasal verb do you see?
play the guitar
What phrasal verb do you see?
need a new phone
What phrasal verb do you see?
live in a flat
What phrasal verb do you see?
listen to music
What phrasal verb do you see?
like animals
What phrasal verb do you see?
have a garden
What phrasal verb do you see?
go to the cinema
What phrasal verb do you see?
eat vegetables
What phrasal verb do you see?
drive car
What phrasal verb do you see?
drink mineral water
What phrasal verb do you see?
do homework
What phrasal verb do you see?
do housework
What phrasal verb do you see?
do exercise
What phrasal verb do you see?
cook dinner