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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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After putting Rp. 200,00 into her coin bank, Andrea has Rp. 750,00 left. How much money does she have at first?
Rp. 950,00.
Kalea has Rp. 250,00. She wants to give her little brother Rp. 900,00. How much more money does she needs?
Rp. 650,00.
Athalla buys an eraser for Rp. 650,00. He gives the cashier Rp. 1,000,00. How much change will Athalla receive?
Rp. 350,00.
Three 50 rupiahs coins from Rp. 500,00.
Rp. 350,00.
One 200 rupiah coin to Rp. 600,00.
Rp. 800,00.
How much money is there?
Rp. 200,00.
Salsa has one 200 rupiah coin and two 100 rupiah coins. How much money does Salsa have?
Rp. 400,00.
Two 500 rupiahs coins = ... 200 rupiah coins
Rp. 500,00 - Rp. 250,00
Rp. 250,00.
One Rp. 50,00 to Rp. 200,00
Rp. 250,00
Rp. 100,00 + Rp. 250,00
Rp. 350,00