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Module 3 lesson 1-10 review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Write the number 388 in unit form and expanded form
3 hundreds 8 tens 8 ones / 300 + 80+8
2 hundreds 3 tens 1 ones _ 13 tens 1 ones
2 hundreds 3 tens 1 ones > 13 tens 1 ones
12 tens 4 ones _ 100+4+20
12 tens 4 ones = 100+4+20
487 _784
487 < 784
Draw 13 tens and 6 ones using place value disks. Write the value in standard form
Draw 125 only using tens and ones
*answer on the board*
Draw 12 ten and 1 hundreds using place value disks. Write the value in standard form
Draw 12 ones and 3 hundreds place value disk. Write the value in standard form
Use a number line to count from 82 to 120 (Make sure to label the total unit on top)
*answer on the board*
Use a number line to count from 580 to 994 (Make sure to label the total unit on top)
*answer on the board*
Use a number line to count from 300 to 553 (Make sure to label the total unit on top)
*answer on the board*
What is 692 in expanded form?
what is 295 in expanded form?
What is 238 in expanded form?
What is 106 in unit form?
1 hundred 6 ones
What is 673 in unit form?
6 hundred 7 tens 3 ones
What is 489 in unit form?
4 hundreds 8 tens and 9 ones
What is the value of the 3 in the number 263?
What is the value of the 9 in the number 981?
What is the value of the 7 in the number 673?