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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 3 holiday things
presents, vacation, decorations, BBQ, lights...
Name 3 things in an office
stapler, water cooler, bosses...
Name 3 things on a safari
Jeeps, wild animals, mosquitos...
Name 3 things at a wedding
flowers, cake, bride,
Name 3 things that come in pairs or sets
twins, shoes, dishes...
Name 3 ways to say Hi and Bye
Hello, Good Morning, What's Up, See Ya, I'm Out...
Name 3 things that are bright
the sun, headlights, flashlights, answers...
Name 3 things that are soft
blankets, kittens, bread...
Name 3 things at a picnic
ants, sandwiches, lemonade...
Name 3 things that have spots
bananas, cheetahs, dalmations...
Name 3 things that jump / bounce
children, dogs, basketballs...
Name 3 excuses for being late
alarm, traffic, lost...
Name 3 things people are scared of
ghosts, the dark, being wrong, getting lost...
Name 3 household chores
laundry, dishes, vacuuming...
Name 3 things you replace
toilet paper, light bulbs, sponges...
Name 3 items in a refrigerator
orange juice, cheese, ketchup...
Name 3 store names
Ikea, McDonald's, Apple...
Name 3 things you throw away
junk mail, wrappers, tissues...