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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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oh the irony, they ............. hate each other , insulting each other and fighting, now they are inseperable and besties
used to
few decades ago, people ............. pollute too much, currently they are trowing trash everywhere and using plastics all the time
didn't use to/wouldn't
when she was younger, she .......... often sing TIMBIRICHE songs , nowadays, all she sings is BANDA LIMON songs :(
used to/would
ww didn't have a tv when we were kids........ we ............. play board games like shoots and ladders or monopoly
used to/would
My little pony ............. to be my favorite tv show, now i am digging anime a little bit more
used to
i ............ hate my ex for cheating on me, but now... i have matured and i understand it is not worth it
used to
honestly, i .......... enjoy eating veggies, but now i love them, they keep me heatlhy and in a good mood
didn't use to
years ago, we ............... have bikes and roller-skates, now.... kids have playstations and pcs
used to
i ............ watch La Rosa de Guadalupe, not anymore, i enjoy como dice el dicho even better
used to/would
i was a chubby person when i was a kid since i ........... eat tons of cheetos and churrumais
used to/would
my sister ......... enjoy star wars, now she loves baby yoda (grogu) and chewbacca
didn't use to
back then.... i ........... be a very toxic boyfriend/girlfiend, but not anymore, i am a good person now
used to
when i was in middle school , i ............ dance reggaeton with some bad bunny music
used to/would