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15 Planning a Menu

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the American English name for courgette?
Zucchini or Summer squash
[Sea bass/ Prawn/ Cold cuts] Which word does not belong?
Cold cuts
What alcohol can you cook with or drink alone? Tequila/Sherry/Whisky
The word ____ menas "the only one of its type."
Tangerine is a type of _____ fruit.
I only want a salad and coffee. I'll order from the ______ menu.
á la carte menu
[Appealing/ Simple/ Tempting] Which word does not belong?
[Ritzy/ high-end/ family friendly] Which word does not belong?
What word can we add to a noun to make it compatible or convient?
This is an example of a ________ menu.
Chalkboard menu
Tandoori pizza and Tex-Mex food is an example of ________.
Fusion cusine
Slices of salami, chorizo, and cheese are all examples of ______.
Cold cuts
_______ is a liquid you can cook with.
Many people love Joe's Cafe. It's very (pricey/fixed/popular).
How can we turn the noun "trend" into an adjective?
Add "y" to the end to make the adjective trendy
What is another word for pricey?
The price of the meal doesn't change.
table d'hôte
The main course comes with side dishes.
table d'hôte
What is this?
What is this?