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Chapter 6: The Land Changes Hands

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What was the "Minnesota vs. Mille Lacs Band of Chippewa" Supreme Court ruling?
That they could hunt and fish in their traditional ways on their traditional lands
What was an inequality of power between the Dakota and the U.S.?
U.S. had more people
What was an inequality of power between the Dakota and the U.S.?
U.S. had more military power
What was an inequality of power between the Dakota and the U.S.?
U.S. had more money
What was a reason Dakota did NOT want to sign?
Many Dakota worried the government would not keep its promises.
What was a reason Dakota did NOT want to sign?
Many Dakota did not want to give up their land or their lifestyle.
What was a reason Dakota did NOT want to sign?
Did not want to be pressured into making decisions without their tribe.
What was a reason some Dakota wanted to sign the treaties?
It would provide them with money to buy goods and food
What was a reason some Dakota wanted to sign the treaties?
It would allow them to live on land & continue their traditional way of life
What was a reason some Dakota wanted to sign the treaties?
They could own some of their land
The U.S. wanted land from the Dakota for settlers to move there and...
Westward expansion
Fort Snelling was built to oversee the fur trade and keep the peace between the Dakota and Ojibwe.
Language differences did not make treaty negotiations more complicated.
Alexander Ramsey was Minnesota's first territorial governor
A territory is land set aside, or reserved, by the U.S. government for use by an American Indian group.
The name of the Baltimore artist who sketched the landscape at Traverse des Sioux was Frank Blackwell Mayer.
A treaty is a written agreement between 2 or more nations
An annuity is a payment made every year.
Bdote is the land which Zebulon Pike and the Dakota met for the 1805 treaty, and where Fort Snelling is built.
A territory is a part of the United States that is not within a state but has its own governing leaders.