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Junior explorer 6 unit 5

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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she / never / invite / me / to her house
She has never invited me to her house
What is the (tradycyjny) __________ Polish food?
The costumes are ___________ : red, yellow and green.
Christmas is an __________ celebration. It happens once a year
The ____________ were amazing.
Every year they (przebierają się) ________ in costumes and (nakładają) _________ make up.
dress up - put on
In many countries people (biorą udział) _____________ in parades.
take part
It's a time to celebrate before Lent.
Tina isn't here. She (go) __________ to the park with her dog.
has gone
I (buy) ___________ a great dress. Look!
have bought
_______ , _______ , ________
ride rode ridden
make - ________ - _______
make - made - made
do - ______ - _________
do - did - done
see - _______ - ________
see - saw - seen
Tom zrobił zadanie domowe
Tom has done his homewrok
Czy ty kiedykolwiek piłeś colę?
Have you ever drunk cola?
My mum ........ ........... muffins for the party
has made
Tom .......... never .............. a competition
has won
It's the last day in a year, in the evening
New Year's Eve
Your brother is taking part in a competition. What do you say?
Good luck
Your friend got a very good mark on a test. What do you say?
It's 11th February. Kacper was born on that day. What do you say?
Happy birthday
It's 17th August. Your parents got married on that day 15 years ago. What do you say?
Happy anniversary
It's 24th December, in the evening
Christmas Eve