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Rocks and Minerals

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Tina found a rock that has stripes. She thinks the stripes are different layers. What type of rock do you think she has- igneous, sedimentary or metamorphic?
Give an example of metamorphic rock:
Metamorphic rock is made when ______________________.
Sedimentary or igneous rock is changed by pressure, heat, or both.
Give one example of sedimentary rock:
sandstone/ limestone
Sedimentary rock is formed when ___________________.
Layers of sediment, or dirt, settles at the bottom of a lake or ocean and the water puts pressure on the dirt, squeezing the layers together.
Give one example of an igneous rock:
Igneous rock is formed when ________________.
Magma cools and becomes solid
Name the three types of rock:
Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic
List at least eight glass objects in your home that are made of glass.
windows, bowls, cups, magnifying glasses, bottles, mirrors, beads, and piggy banks
Glass is made from the mineral _____________.
Some buildings- especially old buildings- are made from blocks of rock. Give one advantage and one disadvantage of building with blocks of rock.
Stone crumbles as it ages, but it takes a long time to wear down.
What are two characteristics of rubies and emeralds that make them beautiful?
Their luster and their connection with our culture
Gemstones, such as rubies and emeralds, are used to make jewelry. Rubies and emeralds are both __________________.
Unpaved roads are often covered with gravel, which is small chunks of rock. What are two reasons gravel might be used on roads?
Gravel is hard and safe to drive on. The dirt underneath gravel is soft and breaks apart easily, making driving unsafe.
Some rocks can be all one color (like most minerals) because _____________________.
All of the substances mix together, making them all one color
A rock is made of how many substances?
2 or more
A mineral is made of how many substances?