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___________ fossils leave the real plant or animal inside the rock, amber, or mineral.
True form
Are most dinosaur skeletons trace, mold, or cast fossils?
Cast Fossils
What type of fossils form when a mineral collects inside of a mold fossil, leaving a 3D fossil behind?
Cast Fossils
What type of fossils create an impression in the rock after it dies?
Mold Fossils
What type of fossils leave a print of the plant or animal?
Trace Fossils
______________ are bones and other materials that turn to stone over time.
When paleontologists _____________ a fossil, they are keeping it safe form ever being destroyed
______________ happens when an animal slowly dies and breaks down until it no longer exists
Living things, such as plants and animals, are called __________________
When a plant or an animal is ______________, it does not exist on the earth anymore.
What scientists study fossils?