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In the city KET

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name three words associated with cooking.
chef, cook, kitchen, bake, oven
Name three emotions you may feel sleeping in a tent.
happy, excited, scared, unhappy, afraid, frightened,
Describe this woman.
She has got long brown wavy hair, she is slim.
Describe this man.
He has got straight blonde hair, a beard, tanned skin and brown eyes.
Is going on a rollercoaster fun or funny?
it's fun!
Name three things assoiated with sailing.
sail, lake, sea, boat
Can you write in pen in the test?
No, you must write in pencil
How long isthe reading and writing test?
1 hour
How long is the listening test?
30 minutes
Sarah decided to send / sending an email.
Sarah decided to send an email
My mother's brother is my.....
What is the past of break?
What is this?
A book case
What time is it?
Ten past nine
This person's job is to grow food.
A farmer
Who brings the food in a restaurant?
A waiter or waitress
What do most pupils have to wear in the UK?
A school uniform
I would like to buy / buying a new phone.
I would like to buy a new phone.
I prefer studying/ study with frinds than alone.
I prefer studying with friends than alone.
what is the oppositite of heavy?
What is the opposite to the worst?
The best
Do you think cycling is dangerous?
open answer
Do you like going to the museum? Say why or why not.
open answer
Why do you like going to the cinema?
Open answer