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NAT4 Unit 2 Senses

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are the five senses?
smell, taste, touch, sight, hearing
What do our ears capture?
What are our hearing organs?
What does our sense of sight let us perceive?
the shape, size and colour of things and their distance from us.
What are our sight organs?
What does our sense of touch tell us?
the size and temperature of something, whether it is hard or soft, rough or smooth, etc.
What is our touch organ?
What does our sense of taste tell us?
the taste and temperature of the things we eat, drink, and lick.
What are the taste organs?
taste buds
What is the smell organ?
olfactory epithelium
What performs the interaction function?
our sense organs, nervous system, and locomotor system
What system carries out a response?
locomotor system
The Nervous system _______ the information.
We receive what through our sense organs?
The _______ function tells us what is happening inside and outside our body.