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What is a Blizzard
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What should you do to stay safe during a blizzard?
have flashlights, layers of warm clothes, and have blankets ready.
Where should you stay when there's a blizzard warning?
You should stay indoors.
When do meteorologists send out a blizzard warning?
send out a blizzard warning when snow &winds of at least 35m
at the first sign of snow.
when it gets below 32 degrees F.
Where are blizzards more likely to happen?
Blizzards happen more where the land is mostly flat land
Blizzards happen more where there is a thick forest with man
Blizzards happen more where there are mountains.
Extreme cold can cause __________ if you are stuck out in it for too long.
runny nose
a snowstorm
strong winds
What is the difference between just a snowstorm and a blizzard?
A blizzard has strong winds with lots of snow.
What is precipitation?
Precipitation is water that falls from the clouds.
Each season has a ________________.
weather pattern
rain storm
special color
What is weather?
Weather is what the air & sky are like in a certain place & time.