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Means of transport

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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dollars, euros, pounds, and pesos. What are these?
currency, currencies
The extreme sport you see at the image...
What is the name of this?
The place where you buy souvenirs...
gift shop
What is the name of this?
When you travel outside your country, you travel....
What is the name of this?
Cruise ship
A city that has a lot things to do a night is a city with a great ...
If you go on holidays and you visit museums, theatres, opera houses, etc, you are taking in...
some culture
The place where you can relax, swim, and play with sand
This is something little that you but in a gift shop
When you travel to Bangkok you want to buy some cheap...
If you visit Thailand, you must go and relax on the ...
When you travel to a new city, you are a tourist so you want to see the...
It is the official document that you need for travelling to another country not at Mercosur.
It is where you put your clothes for travelling
This is a place where you can buy souvenirs
gift shop
Expression used when you want to buy a lot of things in a shop
hit the shops
When you want to take a plane, you go to the ...