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Ben Bunny and the Bluebird Vocabulary

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Noun: a number of things of the same kind growing together
Noun: the edible seed or pod of a bushy or climbing garden plant related to the peas and clovers
Verb: 1: to ask for money, food, or help as charity 2: to ask as a favor in an earnest or polite way : PLEAD
To beg
Verb: to be aware of : UNDERSTAND
To realize
Verb: : to become healthy or well again : to make (someone or something) healthy or well again
To heal
Adjective: 1: very painful or sensitive : TENDER 2: hurt or red and swollen so as to be or seem painful
Verb: to tap or stroke gently with the open hand
To pat
Adjective: feeling or showing thanks : feeling or showing thanks to someone for some helpful act
Verb: to make a short high-pitched sound
To chirp
Verb: 1: to move by short quick jumps 2: to jump on one foot 3: to jump over
To hop
Adjective: damaged or wounded/ hurt
1: having no motion 2: making no sound : QUIET 3: free from noise and commotion
Verb: to bite or chew gently or bit by bit
To nibble
Adjective: fully grown and developed
Noun: A sweet or plain small bread
Noun: A cylindrical container bulging out in the middle, traditionally made of wooden staves with metal hoops around them
Noun: A sparkle or gleam in a person's eyes
Noun: A strip of material used to cover and wrap up wounds
Noun: The outside covering of the trunk, branches, and roots of a tree
Bark (of a tree)
Noun: A small North American songbird that is blue above and reddish brown or pale blue below
Noun: A device used to make noise/ something that makes noise
Noun: Something that helps a person to find something or to solve a mystery
Noun: Stomach (informal)
Noun: Small fragments of bread
Noun: A usually large building for the storage of farm products or feed and usually for the housing of farm animals or farm equipment
Noun: What vegetable is it?
Bibb Lettuce - a butter lettuce of a variety that has a small head and dark green color