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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She loves riding horses. She has 4 dogs, 1 guinea pig, and 1 rabbit. Who is she?
She loves dance and gymnastics. She is working on an ariel (no handed cartwheel). Who is she?
She is kind and has a puppy named Diamond. Who is she?
She is creative and enjoys making things. She has a dog named Gizmo. Who is she?
He earned an AR trophy last year by earning 120 something points in AR. Who is he?
He likes mystery board games, especially Clue. He is also a talented Lego builder. Who is he?
He told us why we can't trust stairs! He also loves to draw. Who is he?
He is 9 years old, fascinated by planes, is a talented artist and musician. Who is he?
He is a soccer superstar whose favorite food is pizza. Who is he?
She lives with her mom, dad, 2 sisters, 1 brother, and her Nana. She has 2 dogs named Sarah and Murphy. Murphy is special because he has 3 legs, but he can run fast! Who is she?
She likes to bake and play sports (especially soccer). Who is she?
She has a cat named Phoebe that she found in her yard! She likes art, probably due to a visit to a cool art supply store. She thinks the colors red, magenta, and pink are pretty. Who is she?
She is very shy when she first meets new people. She is very tall for her age. Her favorite foods are pizza, chips, and cookies. She had Mrs. Grice last year and plans to go to AES next year in 5th grade. Who is she?
He loves to ride his bike, but he sometimes crashes! Who is he?
Her favorite food is ice cream and she has a cat named Mia. Who is she?
He has a husky and is training it to sit and run. Who is he?
She loves art and music and would like to learn how to play the violin.
He likes to skateboard and he plays basketball on a team. Who is he?
He likes to climb trees. Who is he?
She has 3 dogs (1 dad dog and 2 girls) and she likes to dance and sing. Who is she?
She has 3 dogs. She has a neice that she helps take care of. She holds her, feeds her, and changes her diapers. Who is she?
She likes drawing buildings. She will be turning 10 in September. Who is she?
He loves reading books, especially Dogman books. He also loves art. Who is he?
She was born at University of Florida. She has been married to a deputy for 22 years and has 2 sons. She's taught at AES for 19 years and loves her AES family! Who is she?
Mrs. Harris
She has a dog named Coco that understands people talk. She loves UCF football and goes to all the home games. Who is she?
Mrs. Grice
She has 2 dogs, but sadly is giving one away. She loves animals. There's a cat in her backyard that had kittens. Who is she?