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Solar System

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Neptune is famous for having rings of small pieces of ice and dust around it. Like Jupiter, it is made of gas and is much bigger than Earth.
False Saturn is famous for having rings of small pieces of ice and dust around it. Like Jupiter, it is made of gas and is much bigger than Earth.
You are held onto the surface of the Earth by a force called gravity. This is the same force that keeps the Earth and the other planets orbiting around the Sun.
The closest planet to the Sun is Mercury, and the farthest away is Neptune.
The Earth is the only planet that we know has creatures living on it.
The biggest planet is Jupiter, and the smallest planet is Earth.
False The biggest planet is Jupiter, and the smallest planet is Mercury.
There are nineplanets that orbit around the Sun.
Uranus was probably knocked on its side by a collision.
The rings on Saturn are made of ice.
The red spot on Jupiter is a storm that has been raging for a very long time.
Venus and Neptune rotate in the opposite direction from all other planets