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Comparatives and Superlatives

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who is the tallest person in the class?
__________ is the tallest person in the class.
Who is the oldest person in your family?
My grandpa is the oldest person in my family.
The giraffe is the _____________ (tall) animal in the zoo.
The giraffe is the tallest animal in the zoo.
Egypt / Spain / New York (hot)
Spain is hotter than New York, but Egypt is the hottest
3 people in the class (young)
_______ is younger than ________ but _______ is the youngest
3 people in the class (old)
_____ is older than ______ but _______ is the oldest
Watching TV.... Playing computer games.... Reading (relaxing)
Watching TV is more relaxing than playing computer games but reading is the most relaxing
Mt Blanc 6200m / K2 8500m / Mount Everest 8800m (tall)
K2 is taller than Mt Blanc, but Everest is the tallest mountain.
mouse / cat (small)
The mouse is smaller than the cat.
Chinese Italian English
English is more difficult than Italian but Chinese is the most difficult
China France Ireland
France is bigger than Ireland but China is the biggest
Tigers Dogs Cats
Dogs are more dangerous than cats but tigers are the most dangerous