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Practice Coping Skills

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Practice five finger breathing. / Practica la respiración con cinco dedos.
Shake it off for 15 seconds. / Sacúdela durante 15 segundos.
Pretend you are stepping in a puddle. / Imagina que estás pisando un charco.
Practice triangle breathing. / Practica la respiración triangular.
Close your eyes and think of a happy place. / Cierra los ojos y piensa en un lugar feliz.
Say something nice to yourself. / Dígase algo agradable a sí mismo.
Touch your toes 10 times. / Tócate los dedos de los pies 10 veces.
Walk in place or move your feet for 15 seconds. / Camina en tu sitio o mueve los pies durante 15 segundos.
Take 3 rainbow breaths. / Haz 3 respiraciones arco iris.
Give yourself a gentle hug. / Date un suave abrazo.
Do 3 turtle neck stretches. / Haz 3 estiramientos de tortuga.
Do 3 lazy cat stretches. / Haz 3 estiramientos de gato perezoso.
Practice lazy 8 breathing. / Practica la respiración perezosa 8.
Do 3 lemon squeezes. / Haz 3 exprimidos de limón.