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Numbers, Personal pronouns, Vocabulary revision.

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Read a word "ми"
She is mother.
Vona ye mama.
Read the sentence in Ukrainian "У мами ми"
"We're at mom's"
Write down the word "mother" in Ukrainian (printed letters)
Write down the word "mother" in Ukrainian (cursive letters)
one car
odna mashyna
3 holubtsi
try holubtsi
10 dumplings
10 varenykiv
It is an/one orange.
Tse ye odyn apelʹsyn.
4 yellow lemons
4 zhovtykh lymony
They are cherries. These are 5 red cherries.
Vony ye vyshni. Tse ye 5 chervonykh vyshenʹ.
2 apples. They are green and red.
Dva yabluka. Vony ye zeleni ta chervoni.
It is a one/a whale.
Tse ye odyn kyt.
It is a whale.
Tse ye kyt.
It is a siskin. It is a bird. It is yellow.
Tse ye chyzh. Tse ye ptashka. Tse ye zhovte.
It is a carpet. It is red.
Tse ye kylym. Tse ye chervone.
Write on the whiteboard cursive letter "и"(upper and lower cases)
It is a tiger. He is black and orange colors.
Tse ye tyhr. Vin ye chorniy ta pomarancheniy.