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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which / consider/ the highest mountain in the world /
Which is considered the highest mountain in the world? - the Everest
Football / first play / by / ...
Football was first played by the British
Until 1800 / New York / call / ...
Until 1800 New York was called New Amsterdam
The Star Wars films / direct / by ......
The Star Wars films were directed by George Lucas
Where / penguins / find / ?
Where are penguins found? - At the South Pole
The first mobile phones / sell / in ....
The first mobile phones were sold in 1983
Where / the first book / print / ?
where was the fist book printed? - Germany
The light bulb / invent / by .......
The light bulb was invented by THOMAS EDISON
When / first plane / fly/ ?
When was the first plane flown? -1903
Who / invent / the radio / ?
Who invented the radio? - Marconi
Where / first hamburger / make / ?
Where was the first hamburger made? - The USA
Which language / speak / by more people in the world / ?
Which language is spoken by more people in the world? - Mandarin Chinese
How many / Harry Potter novels / write/ ?
How many Harry Potter novels were written? - Seven
In which country / Rubles (money) / use / ?
In which country are Rubles (money) used? - Russia
Where / Coca Cola / invent / ?
Where was Coca Cola invented? USA
When / America / discover / ?
When was America discovered? 1492